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Zooming and moving the map when adding route points

Hugh vn > 2014/10/31 12:55

Chrome on windows 8. But click and drag does work! I hadn't realised that the 'line to be a route' following my mouse pointer around wasn't going to lock onto a new route point with 'down click' and drag. Another help topic. So your right - no need for more features at this point.

Madpom > 2014/10/30 15:27

Hi Hugh. Before we go adding new features to work around this problem, I'd like to understand why map scrolling (click and drag) is not working for you during edit. It has worked on every browser and platform I've tested it on, so hopefully I'll be able to get it to work on whatever setup you are using. Could you please let me know: a) what browser make and version, b) which OS and c) whether you're using a mouse (with buttons) or a touchpad with tap-to-click.



Hugh vn > 2014/10/29 11:00

when trying to enter a detailed set of route points to mark a new route using the map - its usually necessary to be zoomed in quite close and hence have to move the map to add the next points.

It can be done with the scroll wheel - scroll out then shift mouse and scroll in on the new area - but its cumbersome and not everyone has a scroll wheel - there should be a better way. Maybe if the mouse could go inactive (as regards adding points) when it leaves the map and then controls allow moving and zooming?