Distance: 55.6 km (21.0 DOC hours) - Unmarked route, clear - Moderate terrain
Altitude: 551m to 1761m. Gain: 4258m. Loss: 4569m . Gradient: 9 deg (Moderate-hard)
Skills: - Occasional rivers (3/6)

Traverse of the Red Hills Ridge from Red Hills Hut, returning via the track past Hunters Hut, Porters Creek Hut and Red Hills Hut.

From Red Hills Hut to Basin below Red Hill via Red Hills Ridge
Distance: 15.6 km (6.0 DOC hours) - Unmarked route, clear - Moderate terrain
Altitude: 908m to 1746m. Gain: 1937m. Loss: 1288m . Gradient: 12 deg (Moderate)
GPX info source: Uploaded from GPS

See reverse direction for a more detailed guide.

From Red Hills Hut this begins as a fairly easy walk, but becomes increasingly difficult, with it becoming necessary to scramble amongst huge and highly abrasive boulders. Nevertheless it is an amazing place, the Plateau quite something, and the views from Chrome amazing. From there negotiating the increasingly difficult ridge line requires more concentration and detracts from the views. As noted in a previous report, the ridge becomes almost impassible by about point 1770. I opted to descend the west side of this into the basin below Red Hill. As noted in a previous trip report, it is true that your boots will never look the same again, and if you accidentally scrape skin against the rocks, that is likely to leave a permanent reminder also. This ridge line is highly exposed, with a very strong south-westerly wind blowing across it when I walked it, making travel even more difficult.

Last updated by: Admin at 2022-05-29 05:39:40. Experienced: 2020-02-08

From Basin below Red Hill to Hunters Hut via Red Hills Ridge
Distance: 13.8 km (6.0 DOC hours) - Unmarked route, clear - Moderate terrain
Altitude: 729m to 1761m. Gain: 821m. Loss: 1526m . Gradient: 10 deg (Moderate-hard)
Skills: - Occasional rivers (3/6)
GPX info source: Uploaded from GPS

A continuation of the Red Hills Ridge traverse from the basin below Red Hill. Gaining the ridge line from the basin was quite straight forward, with an obvious ledge leading to the ridge just west of Maungakura / Red Hill. The ridge was very difficult travel from Red Hill, as experienced on the southern parts of the ridge, requiring clambering amongst huge rusty-red coloured abrasive boulders with sheer sides in a random jumble. However, it improved, and travel became easier, with a reasonably easy descent to the saddle to pick up the Top Wairoa Hut to Hunters Hut track.

Created by: Millera on 2022-04-17. Experienced: 2020-02-09

From Hunters Hut to Porters Creek Hut via Te Araroa
Distance: 7.1 km (3.0 DOC hours) - Tramping track - Easy-moderate terrain
Altitude: 769m to 1038m. Gain: 602m. Loss: 533m . Gradient: 9 deg (Moderate)
Skills: - Occasional rivers (3/6)
GPX info source: Uploaded from GPS

A fairly straight forward walk along a marked track, with a fast pace possible. However, it is very undulating with much climbing and descent, and some challenging entries and exits from rivers and side streams.

Last updated by: Admin at 2022-05-31 06:04:11. Experienced: 2020-02-10

From Porters Creek Hut to Red Hills Hut via Te Araroa
Distance: 11.9 km (4.0 DOC hours) - Tramping track - Easy-moderate terrain
Altitude: 593m to 914m. Gain: 816m. Loss: 801m . Gradient: 8 deg (Moderate)
Skills: - Occasional rivers (3/6)
GPX info source: Uploaded from GPS

A fairly straight forward walk along a marked track, with a fast pace possible. However, it is very undulating with much climbing and descent, and some challenging entries and exits from rivers and side streams.

Last updated by: Admin at 2022-05-31 06:09:28. Experienced: 2020-02-10

From Red Hills Hut to Six Mile Creek Car Park via Te Araroa part 2
Distance: 7.2 km (2.0 DOC hours) - Tramping track - Easy-moderate terrain
Altitude: 551m to 911m. Gain: 82m. Loss: 421m . Gradient: 4 deg (Moderate)
Skills: - Occasional rivers (3/6)
GPX info source: Uploaded from GPS

A fairly straight forward walk along a marked track, with a fast pace possible. However, it is very undulating with much climbing and descent, and some challenging entries and exits from rivers and side streams.

Last updated by: Admin at 2022-05-31 06:10:12. Experienced: 2020-02-10

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