NZTM2000: 1950964, 5716278 (alt: 928m)
The summit of the Lake Waikaremoana Rd (SH35). Form here a narrow road runs north to the start of the 6 foot track. A rough, very overgrown tramping track heads south towards Whakataka Hut.
The old shelter at the SH38 junction is long gone, but if you do need to camp, there is a clearing where it used to sit, 50m before you reach the highway, and there is a small, but reliable creek for water on the other side of the highway, just west of the Whakataka Hut track sign.
Created by: Madpom on 2014-08-23
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Places you can go from here:
Makomako Hut (Hut)
(1 route
Maungapohatu Roadend (Roadend)
(1 route
Whakatakaa Hut (Hut)
(1 route
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