NZTM2000: 1857858, 5664920 (alt: 1563m)
Private Iwi land (East Taupo Lands block). Top of the old track from Waipakihi Hut, and junction with the ridgeline track to Thunderbolt (south) and towards Cascade Hut to the north, crossing private land.
Created by: Madpom on 2014-12-03. Experienced: 2012-08-31
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Places you can go from here:
Boyd Hut (Hut)
(20 routes
Cascade Hut (Hut)
(13 routes
Ecology Confluence (Campspot)
(1 route
Island Range northern end (Pass)
(9 routes
Kiko Rd (Roadend)
(7 routes
Makorako (Summit)
(1 route
Mangamaire R headwaters (Locality)
(8 routes
Thunderbolt Range Access (Junction)
(1 route
Thunderbolt camp (Campspot)
(1 route
Waipakihi Hut (Hut)
(1 route
Trips passing through here:
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