Distance: 20.6 km (9.0 DOC hours) - Unmarked route, clear - Moderate terrain
Altitude: 750m to 1441m. Gain: 735m. Loss: 796m . Gradient: 4 deg (Moderate-hard)
Skills: Alpine weather (2/7) - Streams (2/6) Winter - Iceaxe/crampons (4/7)
GPX info source: Drawn on map

Note: Described in the reverse direction to your journey

Follow the overgrown farm track 2km downriver from Lake McRae Hut to the first major confluence from the west. Leave the track and head up the river through willows / briar scrub for 1.5km until you are level with the saddle between pt914 and pt1193. Climb the spur west of the saddle leading to pot 1193. Going is briefly scrubby but soon opens to a steep face of dirt and sparse rosebriar. Follow the ridgeline west climbing in a series of steps, over the summit east of Robinson Saddle, then sidling the southern face of the next peak directly west to the saddle on a well worn track across fine scree.

Descend the tussock slopes into the valleyhead and follow the Robinson downstream on good open flats, cattle tracks and gravel riverbed. An old bulldozed track appear and disappears and can be followed where still present. At the confluence with the Awatere, cross the fenceline and Awatere River and pick up the good farm track heading down the true left. This can be followed all the way to the Molesworth Road, crossing the river twice more. Crossings are ankle deep in normal flows. Cob Cottage and the homestead campsite are 1km east along the gravel Molesworth Road. All river crossings are ankle deep in low-normal flows.

Last updated by: Madpom at 2016-04-21 03:41:02. Experienced: 2016-04-05
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