From SEDGEMERE SLEEPOUT to Severn Hut via East West Route
Distance: 16.4 km (8.0 DOC hours) - Unmarked route, clear - Easy-moderate terrain
Altitude: 979m to 1117m. Gain: 376m. Loss: 303m . Gradient: 2 deg (Gentle)
Skills: - Occasional rivers (3/6)
GPX info source: Drawn on map

Note: Described in the reverse direction to your journey

Follow the Severn River downstream. There is no track but going is good on terraces on the eastern side, with a brief climb over low bluffs. Look for the 2nd major stream entering from the west – Dog Stream. Cross to the western valleyside (shin deep in normal flows), and climb the low ridge downstream of the Dog confluence and drop west into the Waimea. Travel is easiest low on the southern face of the Waimea where short cattle-cropped grass and cattle trails provide travel west to the saddle. Follow good cattle trails down to Bowscale Tarn, following the eastern then southern banks of the lake until you pick up a good 4WD track heading west. Follow the track 4km to the Sedgemere information kiosk where the public roadend and carepark are also located. Sedgemere Chalet (private) and Sedgemere Sleepout (DOC) are 1km west along the track from the kiosk / public roadend just before the junction with the Rainbow Road.

Last updated by: Madpom at 2016-04-21 04:04:32. Experienced: 2016-04-06
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