Altitude: 718m to 1306m. Gain: 779m. Loss: 780m . Gradient: 22 deg (Moderate)
Skills: Occasional scrambles (3/7) - Streams (2/6)
Note: Described in the reverse direction to your journey
From the grassy flats on the south bank of Dynamo Creek, opposite Dynamo Red Hut, climb to the obvious saddle on the ridgeline to the south. Some sections are very steep, and take care choosing your route up.
I followed the central spur of the gut south of the saddle and then bushbashed south to Butcher's Gully. This was very steep higher up and thick lower down. Looking back, the route shown on the map seemed preferable - sidle the bushedge west and get out of the gully onto the next spur west, which is gentle enough to follow down to the creek. I have not attempted this variant though.
Butchers Gully creek was ankle deep in normal flows when I visited. It looks passable in all but extreme flows. Heading round the head of the gully would avoid any crossings in this section of the route
Climb the spur leading due south to pt1321, and then swing round the head of Sawyers Creek over pt1215 to the saddle with pt1185. Sidling high on the western face avoided loose bit of ridgeline.
From the saddle between pt1215 and pt1185 descent the tussock gully till level with the top of beech forest, then sidle downstream keeping to the gentlest slopes. At the spur upriver of Crystal Hut a faint pack track can be found on the knob just above the bush, cutting downstream and zigzagging down to the hut tucked in the bush below.