From Whakatakaa Hut to Taupeupe Saddle (SH35 summit) via Whakatakaa Hut Track
Distance: 8.9 km (9.0 DOC hours) - Unmarked route, clear - Hard terrain
Altitude: 921m to 1151m. Gain: 291m. Loss: 479m . Gradient: 5 deg (Moderate)
GPX info source: Drawn on map

Note: Described in the reverse direction to your journey

The sign at the summit of the Lake Waikaremoana Road (SH35) says Whakatakaa Hut 5hrs. Now, the trip did take me bang-on 5 hours, but I normally divide these DOC times by two - so be prepared for slow, hard going.

A small stream immediately west of the signpost is the only water for the next 4km (4-8 hours) so good spot to top up.

From the signposted junction, the track - well marked at this stage, but uncut, climbs 100m west from the saddle to the ridgeline running south. It is immediately obvious the we're in for a slow trip - there is no ground trail, no cut track - without the markers the route is indistinguishable from the surrounding bush.Whilst the undergrowth starts reasonably clear at the road, it thickens towards the ridgeline.

Once on the ridgeline proper, things go from bad to worse. Fern and thick scrub is 1-2 meters tall, obscuring most of the track markers. Swing SSW along the ridgeline, and find what route you can. Where you do encounter the old track, going is much easier, as though the vegetation is thick, it pushes apart to let you through - whereas off the track it is thick, intertwined, and deep with windfallen scrub and trees.

I lose the track 5 times in the first 4km, each time, searches for markers proving fruitless - pushing forwards a few hundred meters then casting about to find the track again the only solution that worked. Very very hard, very very tiring.

Fortunately, by Raukatau things start to improve. The last bad band of scrub and fern is on the previous summit, and we enter good mature bush again as we climb to the summit. The track - marked with old permolat and more recent flagging tape becomes visible on the ground again, and though very careful attention is needed to follow the track, it can be followed. A small valley cuts up from the west and runs right next to the track for a few hundred meters, 500m north of the summit. This is the only water I found between the road and the hut, and has reasonable spots for camping, if you run short of time. It took me 4 hours (8 DOC hours) from the road to Raukatau Summit.

SSW from Raukatau things continue ok - mature bush and a discernable ground trail. Intermittent markers of permolat and tape to Tumutu high point. Beyond this the track swings west, as shown on the map. A junction with the Te Waiotekapiti Hut track is marked by an old, scratched, barely readable wooden signpost. From here DOC track markers (orange triangles) return for a reasonable walk the last 500m east to the hut. Still overgrown, but after what we've been through, a relief.

From Raukatau to Whakatakaa took me 1 hour (2 DOC hours).

Last updated by: Madpom at 2014-09-07 04:33:57
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