From Routeburn Track to Point 1197 via Tops northwest of Point 1197
Distance: 1.0 km (1.0 DOC hours) - Unmarked route, hard - Moderate-hard terrain
Altitude: 872m to 1188m. Gain: 316m. Loss: 0m . Gradient: 19 deg (Moderate)
Skills: Alpine weather (2/7)
GPX info source: Drawn on map

Note: Described in the reverse direction to your journey

Descend steep snow grass to boggy flats at 1000 metres then pick your route to bush bash down to the Routeburn track. I went northwest as the contours looked further apart but I still encountered a near vertical bank which required some tree swinging to get down. Keep descending until you hit the Routeburn, you can't miss it.

Last updated by: Yarmoss at 2017-11-17 02:32:25. Experienced: 2016-01-10
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