From Evangeline Stream mouth to Gabriel Hut via track ./ lakeshore
Distance: 6.1 km (3.0 DOC hours) - Marked route - Moderate terrain
Altitude: 523m to 584m. Gain: 132m. Loss: 74m . Gradient: 2 deg (Gentle)
Skills: - Streams (2/6)
GPX info source: Drawn on map

From the Evangeline mouth, follow the lakeshore east for 1.5km to Swell Bay. A marked track starts as the flats end, climbing 20-30m up the face north of the lake and sidling there with the usual climbs and falls. The track deposits you back on the lakeshore 1.5km later - and you are left to walk along the gravel lakebed the remainder of the way to the end of the lake. The faces above are scrubby and this could be hard going if the lake is high, but when I visited in average winter flows there were 5 vertical meters of gravel lakeshore exposed.

The start of track to Gabriel Hut is well marked with a large triangle about half way round the bottom end of the lake. The broad cut, marked track runs through a series of scrubby clearings to reach Gabriel Hut 1.5km later.

1.5-3 hrs

Created by: Madpom on 2018-02-11. Experienced: 2017-07-19
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