From Trilobite Hut to Sylvester Hut via Cobb face
Distance: 5.5 km (2.0 DOC hours) - Unmarked route, hard - Hard terrain
Altitude: 835m to 1491m. Gain: 733m. Loss: 241m . Gradient: 10 deg (Moderate-hard)
Skills: Occasional scrambles (3/7) - Occasional rivers (3/6)
GPX info source: Drawn on map

Note: Described in the reverse direction to your journey

It is possible to descend directly from the Sylvester Lakes to the Cobb roadend at Trilobite Hut. However, the descent is steep and scrubby in places and is only recommended for those keen on some scrub bashing.

From Sylvester Hut, follow the marked track to the Sylvester Lakes. Cut east of Little Sylvester Lake and climb the obvious spur climbing east to join the southern end of the Iron Hill ridgeline at around 1500m.

The spur between the two close creeks indicated on topomaps is viable but steep, as probably are many others. The initial 150m is thick stunted beech and is a painful bushbash. Layers of bluffs exist - particularly on the spurs - at this height and you need to work your way between them - the gullies seem easier for this initial section. Further layers of bluffs are present at around 1100m and required steep scrambles to bypass.

The Cobb was crossable - ankle-knee deep in normal flows at the eastern end of the first main clearing upstream of Trilobite Hut. The track was obvious and marked beyond.

Last updated by: Madpom at 2021-03-04 04:47:31. Experienced: 2020-07-14
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