From Junction Croesus & Paparoa Tracks to Andersons Flat via Moonlight track and ridge
Distance: 12.0 km (6.0 DOC hours) - Marked route - Moderate terrain
Altitude: 178m to 1165m. Gain: 195m. Loss: 1133m . Gradient: 6 deg
Skills: Alpine weather (2/7)
GPX info source: Drawn on map

Note: Described in the reverse direction to your journey

Follow the Moonlight track to the bushline; continue on a rough groundtrail with intermittent snowpoles over pt 1104, sidling under pts 1147 & 1216 to reach the junction with the Croesus Track. This is now the Paparoa Great Walk.

Created by: Megturnbull on 2021-03-08. Experienced: 2019-01-04
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