Altitude: 1100m to 1389m. Gain: 330m. Loss: 45m . Gradient: 9 deg (Moderate)
Skills: Occasional scrambles (3/7)
Note: Described in the reverse direction to your journey
From the northern side of the saddle between Pt1566 and Pt1458 descend northeastwards down into a brief scree gully before beginning the traverse around Pt1566. It is important not to lose too much altitude so as not to get bluffed out by fearsome cliffs above Lake1023. Generally, maintain altitude while sidling around Pt1566, a large gully with bluffs on its northern side can either be climbed above, or climbed through via a break in the bluffs. From north of Pt1566, the 9th lake of the Florence staircase should be reached, south of Pt1361. Descend to the lake shore and traverse to its northern end. Pt1361 is sidled around on its western side where a gully can be followed down the mountainside in a northeast direction. There are scattered tarns around on the ridge with camping, some excellent sheltered spots between the 1200m and 1180m contours. From 1180m a very steep gully can be scrambled down, east of Pt1132, but its easier to head southeast down to a tarn before descending more open slopes to reach the area south of Lake1101, the 4th lake of the staircase. The foot of the lake consists of several ridges running northwest to southeast, with scattered tarns to camp at, and a pleasant bay of the big lake to swim in. The outlet for Lake1101 runs through a ravine which is only accessible from the southern end.