Altitude: 661m to 1440m. Gain: 791m. Loss: 12m . Gradient: 22 deg (Moderate-hard)
Skills: Alpine weather (2/7) - Occasional rivers (3/6) Winter - Iceaxe/crampons (4/7)
Note: Described in the reverse direction to your journey
From the highpoint at pt1470, a brief steep descent takes you onto a narrow ridge running east. The route is unpoled, but obvious at this point. Though narrow, this can be traversed with care in most conditions (unlike the Waiohine Pinnacles to the south which are lethal with a coating of ice). The descent east from pt1295 starts off reasonable, but soon gets very steep. This is a trecherous descent in snow, ice or wet conditions and you are likely to find yourself seeking out patches of low scrub which at least provide something to hold on to. Make sure you find the start of the track. The scrub belt is typically overgrown (2006)but the track is definitely the best place to tackle it. From the bush edge proper it gets quite steep - you'll be grateful of the roots and bushes that provide handholds in a number of places. Cross the river to the hut.