Distance: 1.7 km (0.8 DOC hours) - Unmarked route, clear - Moderate terrain
Altitude: 138m to 188m. Gain: 36m. Loss: 81m . Gradient: 4 deg (Flat)
Skills: - Occasional rivers (3/6)
GPX info source: Drawn on map

Note: Described in the reverse direction to your journey

From the end of the Te Kahika Flats, it’s another 1km downriver to the confluence with The Great Unknown. The river mouth is a tight gorge, wading the only option, but the valley opens up a little beyond, and travel on narrow stony banks becomes possible: 30% wading, 70% shingle banks. A shingle fan drops on the east, and we look out for the 1st stream on the west after it - the start of the route into the Motu.

Last updated by: Madpom at 2014-08-11 03:52:14
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