From Otamatuna Ridge track - southern end to Mangaone Hut via Otamatuna Ridge Track
Distance: 4.3 km (2.0 DOC hours) - Tramping track - Easy-moderate terrain
Altitude: 280m to 701m. Gain: 645m. Loss: 230m . Gradient: 12 deg (Moderate)
GPX info source: Uploaded from GPS

A good marked track climbs east from the forks of the Mangaone and Otapukawa Stream up the spur. A bit of windfall (2015) but good and well marked. The track is nowhere near the line shown on topomaps (see accompanying map).

Swinging north you pass a puzzling 'This is not a track' sign, but the orange triangles and the cut track continue, dropping north to a a low saddle and climbing again.

Mangaone / Mangame Hut is 20m west of the track at the next summit. The track to the hut is not marked but is fairly obvious.The hut is locked but the tap is accessible for water.

Last updated by: Reidpaulnz at 2018-04-28 02:09:48. Experienced: 2018-01-17
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