Distance: 1.2 km
(1.0 DOC hours)
- Unmarked route, clear
- Moderate terrain
Altitude: 680m to 859m. Gain: 5m. Loss: 179m . Gradient: 9 deg (Moderate)
Skills: - Occasional rivers (3/6)

Altitude: 680m to 859m. Gain: 5m. Loss: 179m . Gradient: 9 deg (Moderate)
Skills: - Occasional rivers (3/6)
GPX info source: Drawn on map
The Vane is generally crossable at the confluence unless there's been rain or in high meltwater conditions (early morning is better). The Evans was not crossable at the forks when I visited - the first good (solo) crossing was 800m up river just above the large waterfall which descends the southern valleyside.
A good route follows the northern bank of the Wanganui downstream to the Smyth confluence - mainly on river rock with a few boulder scrambles.
Note that the swingbridge at Smyth Hut has been destroyed (2011). Some parties report crossing 300m above the hut but the nearest viable crossing when I visited (Feb 2016) was at the Vane Evans forks
Last updated by: Madpom at 2016-02-14 17:30:46. Experienced: 2016-02-06
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As noted the Vane Stream can be difficult to cross. I was in a party of two travelling down The Evans from the Bracken Snowfield to Smyth Hut about 5pm on a fine summers day in January. Vane Stream was high from snowmelt, we searched a few hundred metres up it but couldn't find a place to cross. We camped at the forks overnight and crossed early in the morning when the snowmelt had eased off, still challenging but we got across safely enough using mutual support.