From Unknown Campsite to Iron Bark Hut via River
Distance: 3.0 km (2.5 DOC hours) - Unmarked route, clear - Moderate terrain
Altitude: 536m to 674m. Gain: 105m. Loss: 217m . Gradient: 6 deg (Flat)
Skills: - Prolonged rivers (4/6)
GPX info source: Drawn on map

From Unknown campsite, river travel is easy in low to moderate flows although many river crossings are required. Would be difficult in high flow.
The waterfall bypass climbs much higher than shown on the map and goes to the top of the spur.

We missed the sign or marker when travelling downstream, although we were not paying attention! There is a narrow gap with small waterfall that requires some careful navigation. We suspect the sign was before this.
After arriving at the top of the waterfall we back tracked up the river 200m and then scrambled up the hillside to find the Orange triangles of the track.
2 bridges at the junction with Maropea River. One across the river just traversed and a swing bridge across the Maropea River.

Iron Bark Hut has been recently renovated (2024). A short walk from the swingbridge although track is partially eroded and requires you to go through the bush at one small section.

Created by: Bozzy on 2024-05-16. Experienced: 2024-04-24
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