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Editing route segment track points

Madpom > 2014/12/03 11:18

Yes. That is what I'd expect. The existing routes and places shown on the map come directly from the database to openlayers. They will not be changed until the database has been updated - i.e. upon successful save. The blue line and the stars are drawn locally by my application - so I can add/remove those at will.

Hugh vn > 2014/12/02 20:31

ok it does work - its not apparent that the routepoints are being replaced - both old and new set stay visible on the map until after save for the whole record (after "date experienced can't be blank").

Madpom > 2014/12/01 22:22

Exactly the same way as you put the original route line in. Edit the route segment, click the draw icon next to 'route points', draw the new line, click the accept tick, click save. No different to creating a route.

Hugh vn > 2014/12/01 08:50

how do you replace the existing set of linepoints with a better set?