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Entering a route - tent flat to gills biv

Madpom > 2014/11/02 07:26

and also - thanks very much for that route - it's a place I've been keen to visit myself for a while. Really brings home the idea that 'a map is worth a thousand words'.

Madpom > 2014/11/02 07:22

Hugh - I've resurrected your failed route. You now just need to edit it and enter the correct text for 'via'.

To prevent this from occurring again, I've now made a red border appear round the entire form when a save is rejected with errors - to make it obvious that an error has occurred. I had had similar issues myself in not noticing a failed save, as unless you scrolled back up to the top of the form the error message was not noticeable.

Hugh vn > 2014/10/31 14:17

entering a route - I missed the warning about the "via' requirement and it let me move to another page - now its partly stuck, and I'm hoping I haven't lost my work .... !*!*!