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More map zooming

Hugh vn > 2014/11/22 22:44

ctrl f5 .... now zoom out ..... both islands map disappears and routes stay visible probably as simple .... at least its consistent and the difference between the islands seems to be a cache issue.

Why not just leave places and routes off till zoomed in to say half the south island (don't know how to tell what level I'm zoomed to)

Madpom > 2014/11/22 22:12

Hi Hugh. As with the previous post, I can't reproduce this problem, though I have some guesses as to the cause.

The only change around this is that for the first 3 zoom levels (starting at all NZ) I switch off the places and routes, and display a 'routes-simple' layer which is basically each route shown as a straight line from start to end. This is to combat long load times for the far zooms.

q) Are you using a browser window that has been left open at this site for a long time?

Whatever the answer to the above, could you try doing a forced full reload of the site (ctrl+F5 in chrome or IE).

If this fixes it, then it's a caching issue - and I need to do something to force the browser to reload the routes-simple layer every now and then. Let me know if it works, and I'll try some ideas in that direction. .

Hugh vn > 2014/11/22 08:04

when zooming out - the huts (and other places?) no longer show when zoomed out far enough. In the nth island the routes stop showing at the same time (all good), in the sth island they stay on well past the last map showing!