NZTM2000: 1806492, 5477523 (alt: 1152m)
Two man dogbox biv (mattresses on floor) in a beech basin below Mid King. Little visited owing to the difficulties of getting there. Easiest access is from Mitre Flats, but scrubby bushbash down from Mid King also possible. See routes for details.
Water from stream.
Basic Hut/bivvy
Last updated by: Madpom at 2015-06-22 04:01:35. Experienced: 2012-01-21
Places you can go from here:
Atiwhakatu Hut (Hut)
(19 routes
Carkeek Hut (Hut)
(48 routes
Cow Creek Hut (Hut)
(23 routes
Dorset Ridge Hut (Hut)
(39 routes
Girdlestone (Summit)
(25 routes
Jumbo Hut (Hut)
(17 routes
McGregor Biv Junction (Junction)
(13 routes
Mitre Flats Hut (Hut)
(15 routes
Tarn Ridge Hut (Hut)
(46 routes
Trips passing through here:
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