From Pearl Flat track junction to Aspiring Hut via West Matukituki track
Distance: 4.9 km (2.0 DOC hours) - Benched track - Easy-moderate terrain
Altitude: 464m to 590m. Gain: 113m. Loss: 189m . Gradient: 4 deg (Gentle)
GPX info source: Drawn on map

Note: Described in the reverse direction to your journey

From Aspiring Hut an almost Great Walk level track leads through trees and small clearings to Shovel Flat. Cross the flats and another small patch of bush to Pearl Flat. There's multiple great camping spots all along the way. Shovel Flat has avalanche warnings in the middle of it so maybe don't camp there during Spring.

Created by: Yarmoss on 2015-10-12. Experienced: 2015-10-10
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