From Loch Maree Hut to Lake Roe Hut via Dusky Track
Distance: 7.5 km (5.0 DOC hours) - Tramping track - Moderate terrain
Altitude: 42m to 1109m. Gain: 1180m. Loss: 354m . Gradient: 12 deg (Moderate)
Skills: Alpine weather (2/7) - Streams (2/6)
GPX info source: Drawn on map

Note: Described in the reverse direction to your journey

From Lake Roe Hut head down to the northern end of Lake Laffy where a T intersection of tracks is reached. The Dusky continues northwestwards, climbing steadily up the western side of Furkert Pass to Pt1052 where there is a fine vantage point back towards Lake Roe. The track drops downhill to squeeze between Lakes Ursula and Horizon before heading around the western side of Lake Horizon and climbing steeply up onto Pt1096. The track sidles around the highest point of the Pleasant Range (Pt1171) before dropping down to the extreme western end of the range. It enters a sub-alpine scrub zone not shown on the map, where several fantastic vantage points look straight down on Loch Maree some 800m below.

The descent to Loch Maree is very steep, and would be quite slippery in wet conditions, with much of it spent downclimbing tree root staircases. There is a section of near vertical rock with a chain bolted into it to assist with lowering yourself down. After 2 hours of this, the gradient finally eases off, and the last section is a pleasant, flat, amble beside the Jane Burn. A 3 walled emergency shelter is reached for those unfortunate/silly enough to get caught out by a flooded Seaforth River. Finally clearing the obviously prone-to-flooding scrub, the massive walkwire over the Seaforth is reached. A 5-6 metre climb up an aluminium ladder is required to access the walk wire which then takes you across the river to the promontory that Loch Maree hut lies on. It's a sobering thought that the walk wire sometimes disappears under the flooded waters of the Seaforth. Alternatively, under low flows the river is barely thigh-deep for those who prefer to wade across.

Last updated by: Yarmoss at 2025-01-24 01:48:00. Experienced: 2025-01-12
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