From Owhakaroto Clearing to Track Bend on Kaipo Lagoon Track via Te Kei Stream & Tui Flat Hut
Distance: 7.0 km (5.0 DOC hours) - Unmarked route, clear - Easy-moderate terrain
Altitude: 641m to 1080m. Gain: 542m. Loss: 103m . Gradient: 5 deg (Moderate)
Skills: - Occasional rivers (3/6)
GPX info source: Drawn on map

Note: Described in the reverse direction to your journey

From the track bend on Kaipo Lagoon Track, find the main spur heading NE. It would be easy to get on the wrong spur, but it is very pronounced and easy to follow once you find it. Open and fast going down this spur. Scenic detour to the 23m waterfall is optional.
Follow Te Kei Stream down for the next 2-3 km. Quite a lot of fern to push through makes this slow going in places. We stayed 50-100m from the stream on the TL but the TR is likely to be the same. Plenty of places to cross the stream if necessary.
We camped on the kink in the stream just south of Pt720. Nice flat spot and a good place for a swim.
You can't miss the Ruakituri river, but can cut straight across to Tui Flat hut. Well camouflaged hut that might be hard to find without GPS.
Easy to find the Owhakaroto clearing if you follow the TR of the Ruakituri

Last updated by: Bozzy at 2021-02-06 22:57:08. Experienced: 2020-12-20
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