Altitude: 737m to 1037m. Gain: 66m. Loss: 353m . Gradient: 5 deg (Gentle)
Skills: - Occasional rivers (3/6)
Note: Described in the reverse direction to your journey
Head north up the Crow River valley through a small pocket of bush before emerging out onto a large gravel fan on the true left above the river. Look for the occasional orange-topped waratah & numerous rock cairns across this fan & further on up the valley. Cross to the true right as the lower part of the valley begins to narrow. Remain on the true right of the valley until reaching the Crow Hut. Before reaching the hut, the track on the true right, alternates between the river bed, short sections of track in the bush & trails along river terraces all the mean while climbing slowly & crossing small streams/ creeks. At one point the track crosses a very large alluvial slip containing both fine & large scree. Not long after this, the track climbs away from the river for a short time, as it climbs around a smallish gorge & into the upper Crow Valley. The track emerges, still on the true right, onto a river terrace in the upper Crow Valley & the sky line is dominated by the south face of Mt Rolleston. The track crosses a few more small streams away from the river & it is marked, at times, indistinct rock cairns.. Shortly, thereafter, the track emerges onto a river terrace & Crow Hut can be seen a few hundred metres away on a river terrace on the true right of Crow River.