From Woodville to Wharite Peak via Wharite Rd / Woodlands Rd
Distance: 13.9 km (3.5 DOC hours) - Road - Easy terrain
Altitude: 79m to 908m. Gain: 875m. Loss: 51m . Gradient: 4 deg (Moderate)
GPX info source: Drawn on map

Woodlands Rd is 1km west of Woodville along SH2. Following woodlands Rd north (not taking the left turn on Saddle Rd) leads to Wharite Rd which winds and climbs towards the southern-most Ruahine summit above. On reaching the ridgeline at the bushedge, ensure you turn right through the concrete gateposts up the private road to the summit itself.

Created by: Madpom on 2015-02-15. Experienced: 2104-03-14
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