From Saddle (Mangaawai) Hut to Casino Hut via ridgeline
Distance: 10.8 km (6.0 DOC hours) - Unmarked route, clear - Moderate terrain
Altitude: 359m to 718m. Gain: 966m. Loss: 1091m . Gradient: 11 deg (Moderate)
Skills: - Streams (2/6)
GPX info source: Uploaded from GPS

An old, abandoned NZFS track runs across the tops from Casino to Saddle, in places remarked for stoat / possum trapping purposes.

Follow the track west from the hut for 50m to a clearing at the saddle between Mangawai and Kahutapere streams.

Between the saddle and pt689, occasional yellow triangles and flagging tape again mark the route which follows the ridgeline. Going is quite good through open bush with some windfall.

Between pt724 and pt689 the route in unmarked except for very occasional permolat, but follows the ridgeline between these points. Some map & compass skill is required to select the correct direction to descend off each highpoint as the ridgeline is not obvious through the trees. Going is scrubby above the 700m contouyr, and N-S sections have moderate windfall.

Occasional triangles start again at pt724, leading west then 100m north to the unmarked highpoint 200m west of pt724. Here a good marked route is encountered. Follow it east (yellow and pink triangles) where it drops all the way to the creek via the spur just upstream of the hut. Crossing the creek, a makred DOC track climbs the opposite valleyside to Casino Hut, which sits in a clearing on the spur between the forks.

Last updated by: Madpom at 2015-04-15 18:04:20. Experienced: 2015-04-04
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