From Death Valley forks / tarn to Kay Creek Hut via Death Valley
Distance: 2.7 km (2.5 DOC hours) - Unmarked route, clear - Moderate terrain
Altitude: 914m to 1417m. Gain: 0m. Loss: 503m . Gradient: 11 deg (Moderate)
Skills: Occasional scrambles (3/7) - Streams (2/6)
GPX info source: Drawn on map

Descend steep snow grass west of the lake down to Death Creek, following a ridge down to. Cross the stream and head down valley following the true right of Death Creek. Good travel can be had down to about 1100m where light scrub is encountered. Near the bottom of the valley the scrub belt thickens considerably before the creek drops away down a gorge. Make sure you're on the true left side and look for a cairn mounted high up on a large boulder. Behind the boulder a ground trail pushes through knee high scrub high above the true left side of the stream before dropping straight down for the bush tongue extending up from the Kay. Reach reasonably open beech forest, and drop down through the bush via a gully to reach scrubby open flats just north of Kay Creek Hut. Locate a large orange triangle which marks the beginning of the Kay Creek track and follow it for about 100m to the historic Kay Creek hut which was restored in 2016.

Last updated by: Madpom at 2018-02-04 07:55:09. Experienced: 2017-12-07
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