From Tangata Maunga to Waitoho DOC boundary via old logging tracks
Distance: 7.9 km (3.0 DOC hours) - Road - Easy terrain
Altitude: 118m to 878m. Gain: 53m. Loss: 813m . Gradient: 6 deg (Gentle)
GPX info source: Drawn on map

This route is on public land - though it uses former forestry tracks, and the paddock at the bottom appears to be leased out and grazed.

A good cut track runs down the spur west from the top of the clearing at Tangata Maunga. This soon developps into a muddy 4WD track, and beyond the first junction to an old mettled forestry road. Follow the main track down the ridge, ignoring turnoffs. The track swings north and drops to the Waitohu Stream. Just before the fenceline with farmland, cut back east - the main track continues west and becomes private - then head across the first paddock to the gate opposite where a DOC sign marks the park boundary. This is the end of the Waitohu road.

Created by: Madpom on 2015-06-27. Experienced: 2013-11-01
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