NZTM2000: 1787071, 5472135 (alt: 142m)
Carpark and info board at the end of Otaki Gorge road. 2km beyond the picnic area, turn left just before the campground entrance into the carpark.
Created by: Madpom on 2015-07-10. Experienced: 2015-01-06
Places you can go from here:
Akatarawa Saddle (Roadend)
(88 routes
Elder Hut (Hut)
(89 routes
Forks below Waiotauru Hut (Junction)
(59 routes
Kapakapanui Highpoint (Summit)
(89 routes
Kapakapanui Hut (Hut)
(70 routes
Kime Hut (Hut)
(48 routes
Mangone North roadend (Roadend)
(40 routes
Mangone South roadend (Roadend)
(54 routes
Ngatiawa roadend (Roadend)
(64 routes
Otaki Forks (Roadend)
/ Parawai Lodge (Hut)
(5 routes
Penn Creek Hut (Hut)
(9 routes
Renata Hut (Hut)
(76 routes
Snowy River camp (Campspot)
(79 routes
Waiotauru Hut (Hut)
(92 routes
pt1094 (Junction)
(39 routes
Trips passing through here:
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