From Green Lake Hut to Borland Bivvy via Mt Burns
Distance: 11.9 km (5.0 DOC hours) - Unmarked route, clear - Easy-moderate terrain
Altitude: 779m to 1614m. Gain: 952m. Loss: 1003m . Gradient: 10 deg (Moderate)
Skills: Alpine weather (2/7) - Streams (2/6) Winter - Iceaxe/crampons (4/7)
GPX info source: Drawn on map

Note: Described in the reverse direction to your journey

Walk up the Borland Road as it zig zags it's way down from the unnamed Borland Saddle (Point 990). At the top, near a small information panel, an orange triangle on a tree on the south end of the saddle marks the beginning of a track that climbs southeastwards up the hill away from the road. Above the trees occasional rusty poles lead up the ridge line to gain Point 1192. Follow your nose southeastwards off track past numerous tarns with gorgeous camp spots and a fabulous view westwards out over Island Lake and the Grebe Valley to the Fiordland interior. Skirt around the head of the large valley draining northwest from Point 1286 and make your way up to the low point at Point 1343, drooping your pack off here. Mt Burns is a straight forward climb up the southwest ridge coming down from Peak 1635. After picking up your pack climb on good scree the northern slope of Peak 1456. Steep slopes drop down to the cluster of tarns shown on the map south of Peak 1456. I did this in June and this was all steep snow. From the ridge line overlooking Green Lake look for a descent route down a mixture of tussock and scree between the creeks shown on the map. A low ridge separating the creeks can be followed all the way down to flatter ground in the tussock which is followed to the lake shore. Walk along the shore to Green Lake hut.

Created by: Yarmoss on 2015-07-24. Experienced: 2014-06-01
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