Distance: 7.2 km (5.0 DOC hours) - Unmarked route, clear - Moderate terrain
Altitude: 878m to 1458m. Gain: 595m. Loss: 467m . Gradient: 9 deg (Moderate)
Skills: Alpine weather (2/7) - Streams (2/6)
GPX info source: Drawn on map

Note: Described in the reverse direction to your journey

Cross open tussock tops, keeping high to avoid swampy terrain, to the southern branch of Walker Creek draining the Countess Range tops. Climb up tussock between sub-branches of Walker Creek to reach scree, and ascend to the obvious low point of the range between Winton Peak and Peak 1690. From the top, Peak 1690 can be easily climbed as a side trip by following the ridge south. Descend northeast from the ridge of the Countess Range into the stream valley draining southeastwards from Winton Peak. Follow the stream all the way down into the Upukerora Valley, negotiating scrub at the bottom. Descend the broad, tussock covered valley to find shelter in the tree line 1.5km away if required.

Last updated by: Yarmoss at 2023-01-08 15:18:21. Experienced: 2015-03-01
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