Distance: 11.2 km (4.0 DOC hours) - Tramping track - Easy terrain
Altitude: 167m to 503m. Gain: 1024m. Loss: 815m . Gradient: 9 deg (Moderate)
Skills: - Occasional rivers (3/6)
GPX info source: Uploaded from GPS

The turnoff from Tokomaru Rd is no longer signposted (2014), though the wooden post itself remains - 100m beyond where the forestry track starts to climb off the valley floor. The track (a quad track at this stage) dropps left off the road and sidles down the valley, passing in and out of several sidecreeks. After a long haul through low scrub and pines, sections of podocarp forest appear, alternating with clearings and scrub - presumably once-farmed areas. The ATV track is reduced to a once-platformed tramping track, but it is well marked and easy going.

Half way down the valley the track enters a flat and clearing which is all that remains of Burttons Whare. A signpost marks the approximate location. A kilometer or so beyond, the track ends on grassy flats. After a few hundred unmarked meters, triangles on the opposite bank mark the spot you must cross. The river is low - ankle deep in normal flows, and controlled by dams upriver - but could become impassable after rain.

On crossing the river you are greated by a 4WD track, which ends at a private bach (just back upriver). Following the track downstream you pass through a few flats and sidles before the track starts to climb out of the valley. A marker 20m above the valley floor marks the turnoff point where a DOC tramping track drops back to the valley floor.

The next kilometer or so is untracked - on the river banks with at least 1 crossing required. Crossings are marked with triangles.

Finally, 200m before the confluence, a tramping track starts again on the eastern bank, sidling up the valleyside and then dropping to the major sidecreek 100m upriver. Good campspots exist at the sidecreek crossing.

Crossing the creek, the track, now in lovely mature bush, climbs steadily up the opposite until it enters scrub again around pt505. Swinging north a well cut track leads you to a stile on the boundary of PNCC-owned pine forests.

Last updated by: Madpom at 2015-06-20 02:03:27. Experienced: 2014-03-18
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