From Burttons Track (east end) to Punga Track start via forestry track
Distance: 1.4 km (0.5 DOC hours) - Road - Easy-moderate terrain
Altitude: 495m to 631m. Gain: 145m. Loss: 10m . Gradient: 6 deg (Gentle)
GPX info source: Uploaded from GPS

A little used forestry track follows the south-western boundary of the PNCC-owned forestry between the Punga Track ad Burtton's Track. The track runs through native scrub and so is unlikely to be affected by forestry operations - but you are probably supposed to ask PNCC if you can use it.

Punga Track is not signposted. The track starts at the highest point on the ridge reached by the forestry track, before it cuts back north and starts to descend. The track start is across the fenceline and hard to locate.

Created by: Madpom on 2015-06-20. Experienced: 2014-03-18
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